Sunday, November 30, 2008

December is here!


December is here! Does that raise your stress level? or fill you with childlike anticipaiton! This advent season should bring joy to our lives as we think about the true reason that we are celebrating. But most of the time as we rush around getting ready for Christmas,we forget about the true reason for the season. It begins to look like we are leaving Christ out. If someone came to your house would they find Jesus Christ living there? If you have believed and accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, then the Holy Spirit lives in you. As you are getting ready for Christmas...decorating, shopping, and cooking...don't forget to prepare your heart. Make room, give Jesus Christ first place in your heart and home. Share the gift of Jesus' love with others this year!

"And Mary said: 'My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior...'"
-Luke 1:46-47.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

An October Thought


This past weekend the ladies that went to Caswell had a splendid time! We made some memories (as our Youth Pastor says) and lots of friendships. We laughed and laughed and laughed! We praised God, we shared tears and laughter, and we loved on each other.

God is good all the time. God moves mountains in His time that are immovable by human standards. Praise the Lord! Whatever mountain is in your life turn to God and trust Him. Proverbs 3:5-7 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil." Keep your eyes on Jesus Christ and He will guide you. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

If you are not in a Bible Study you need to be. There is no other way to say it, except get in God's Word. God has sent a love letter to you with instructions and encouragement, everything you need to live in victory. But if you don't read it, it will not help you. There is a new Bible Study starting Thursday mornings October 16th at 9:30 am in Room 315 led by Cathy Parker "Annointed, Transformed, Redeemed" on the life of King David. This study is a 6 week study filmed at a Deeper Still Event and written by Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore and Kay Arthur. This study will also go on Wednesday nights starting October 29th at 6:30 pm in Room 311 led by Melody Merritt.

Remember you are a Princess because your Father is the King of Kings!!

In Christ Love,
Melody Merritt

Monday, September 22, 2008


Hi Ladies,
Today is Monday, September 22, and fall is in the air. I saw lots of you at that lake on Sunday. Wasn't it a great day! Then I got to go down to my sisters that evening and see my two neices get baptised. And on the way home that night my daugters had a hymn sing along. They sang every hymn they could think of by going through the abc's. It was fun! Hope your day was as great as mine.

Have you signed up for the Ladies Retreat at Caswell? You still have time. The price goes up to $80 this week. You don't want to miss out on the weekend. And I am not crazy enough to think that every lady can go or would even want to. But if God is tugging at your heart, maybe you need some time away with some of your sisters in Christ to relax, be refreshed, and have lots of fun and laugh alot. Laughter is good medicine for the soul. So what are you waiting for?

Are you busy? In that busyness, don't leave out God. I want to share honestly with you and hope this encourages at least one of you. When I get overwhelmed with my schedule, my time with God is usually the first thing that seems to get shortchanged. And the enemy loves that. It causes me to get discouraged, depressed, and even more tired. If I just stop and sit with God He lifts me out of that pit that I can so easily slide into. Open your Bible and read a Psalm, just sit and meditate on how much God loves you, or talk to another Christian friend. Be real and don't try to hide behind a mask. Ask someone to pray with you. We are not to be Lone Ranger SuperWomen! We are part of the body of Christ. God loves you! And so do we (Christian sisters at ABC)!

In Christ Love,
Melody Merritt

Sunday, August 17, 2008


The Women's Ministry at Apex Baptist Church is like a tapestry that God is weaving through Bible Studies, special events, conferences, weekend retreats, fellowships, and mentoring to draw each woman into a deeper personal relationship with Him. Come use your God-given gifts and talents to further enhance the kingdom and become a part of this tapestry as lives are changed.

"In Christ, we who are many form one body, each member belongs to all the others."
Romans 12:5