Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Embrace God!

Dear Ladies,

God said in Jeremiah 31:3, "I have loved you with an everlasting love, with unfailling love I have drawn you to Myself." God sent His Son Jesus Christ into this world to live and die for each of us because of His love. Sin separates us from God, but through Jesus Christ's death and resurrection we can embrace a relationship with God. God wants a personal relationship with you and me.

In The Divine Embrace Ken Gire shares "Before Jesus called the disciples to ministry, He called them to intimacey...Before He called them to represent Him, He called them to be with Him...Before He sent them out, He drew them close."

This is what our God wants for each of His children today. I desire this for myself - to live the rest of my life - loving Jesus more today than I did yesterday, and more tomorrow than I do today. And I pray for each woman that reads this message that this will become your heart's desire.

"Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I will praise You. You satisfy me more than the richest feast, I will praise You with songs of joy." -Psalm 63:3,5

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

You are so right on Target. That's where I want my heart to be...

I have enjoyed the G groups so much this week. I can feel my muscles getting more toned from the exercise through the Exercise G Group, and the Line Dancing group! Last night, Laurel was a gracious hostess for the Chick Flick, and all those who weren't there really missed the special message that Laurel brought out about the movie which was reinforced with the sweetest Love note from Jesus tucked in a cute little bag with candies...It really touched my heart with God's Love!